Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up a Smartnode on Fortuneblock

2 min readNov 1, 2024


A Smartnode is a type of node that helps secure the network and earns rewards. Before setting up, you’ll need a VPS server (like Ubuntu 22.04) and enough Fortuneblock to meet the collateral requirement.


  1. VPS Server: At least 2GB RAM, 30GB storage, with Ubuntu 22.04 recommended.
  2. Fortuneblock Wallet: Ensure the wallet is synced and has enough Fortuneblock for the collateral.
  3. Collateral Requirement: Confirm the latest collateral amount needed for creating a Smartnode.

Step 1: Prepare the Server Environment

Update the System:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Install Required Dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install curl build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config python3 bsdmainutils bison libleveldb-dev

Install Fortuneblock Node Software:

Go to the Fortuneblock GitHub to download the latest version of the node software. Unpack the node software:

tar -xzvf ./fortuneblock1.0.0-ubuntu22.04-amd64.tar.gz

Start the Fortuneblock Daemon:

fortuneblockd -daemon

Step 2: Using protx quick_setup in the Local Wallet

Determine Collateral Address and Amount:

  • Send the collateral amount to a new address in your wallet.
  • Once the transaction is confirmed, retrieve the collateral transaction ID and output index by using the following command in the debug console:
smartnode outputs

Run the protx quick_setup Command:

In the local wallet debug console, run the command below, replacing placeholders with actual values:

protx quick_setup "collateral_txid" "collateral_output_index" "YOUR_VPS_IP:27777" "Feeaddress"

Explanation of each parameter:

  • collateral_txid: Collateral transaction ID obtained in the previous step.
  • collateral_output_index: Collateral transaction output index (usually 0 or 1).
  • "YOUR_VPS_IP:27777": Your VPS IP address with port 27777.
  • Feeaddress: This is any address in your wallet which contains enough FTB to pay the fee.

Enter the protx quick_setup command in Debug console. This will create a .conf file for that node in the same directory you ran the wallet from. Open it and copy the contents.

Step 3: Start the smartnode (VPS)

Back to the vps, stop the daemon first.

./fortuneblock-cli stop

Open the conf file:

nano ~/.fortuneblockcore/fortuneblock.conf

Paste in what you copied from the .conf file made during the protx command, save and exit.

Start fortuneblockd:

./fortuneblockd -daemon

Wait a few minutes and check the status:

./fortuneblock-cli smartnode status

If the result is ready then the smartnode is running.



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